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Kit# 9817 - Austrian Line Infantry

Kit# 9817 - Austrian Line Infantry


Valiant Miniature Kit# 9817 - Austrian Line Infantry Drummer Leipzig, 1813. The Austrian Army had the unfortunate distinction of being Napoleon's favorite victims, having been defeated by him in 1796, 1800, 1805, and 1809. The problem was not so much a lack of courage in the ranks as it was inefficiency and corruption at the top. This handicap could only be overcome by bitter experience, but by 1813 it had finally been brought within manageable limits. At Leipzig, bolstered by mass levees and a new national pride, the white-clad legions of the Hapsburg Empire were at last able to meet the Grande Armee on something approaching equal terms, and restore some of their lost dignity and self-esteem.

This item is an unpainted and unassembled white metal (lead free) hobby kits in the 54mm International collectors scale. Standing Figures in this scale measure Approximately 2-1/2" to 3".

Kit is recommended for ages 8+

Artist Credits – Sculpted By Sheperd Paine  / Painted Master By Sheperd Paine

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